Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Abilene is a little heartbreaker, no pun intended. One of the hardest parts about having a child with a disability is the heartbreak you feel so often because of many things. First there is the adjustment of your dreams for that child. I am doing okay with that. Next there is the worry for the future, I don't think that will ever go away. For Abby, there are constant ailments hanging over her head, we just wait for them to pop up, or not, but the list is just long and annoying and constantLy on my brain. Nothing could compare to what I would feel when she was evaluated and I was told what delays she is starting to show. There are a few things she not only meets, but excells at, like communication. She is a talker. Basically, mentally she is not showing too much of a delay, but physically she is delayed, and it broke my ever loving puddin heart. I know she will be, but I don't want to hear it. It brings back so many of my students' parents conversations and I get it now. I get how everything people say whether well intentioned or not, will rip my heart to pieces. I need to grow a thicker skin I guess. Because this is only the beginning.

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